WHEN RICHARD DAVIS WAS 17 YEARS OLD, he met a girl in high school and they had a baby. Four years later they had another child and things started to change. He started hanging out with friends more and spending more time drinking and partying. He left his first partner and went straight into another relationship with someone else. She was already pregnant with Richard’s daughter. He continued this pattern of drinking, misusing social media and not treating women well for 10 years, at which point Richard had 5 children with 3 different women. He felt so self- centred. There were times where he resolved that he would change, but Richard always ended up relapsing into old patterns. “God was there for me and I was always in God’s heart but I never let Him in my heart”, Richard expressed. He wanted to do things on his own, with his own brute strength and willpower, but simply couldn’t. After being stuck in this loop for 10 years, Richard finally surrendered to God and began to change.
“As I started walking with God, I felt so much more peace and strength. I just felt free. Jesus is the answer.”
For the past few months Richard has been walking with God. He has been taking his sons to Bible study with the local pastor. These Bible studies have made a huge difference in his life because as much as Richard thought he could do things on his own, he kept falling back into temptation. “We still have problems, we have our ups and downs, and we live in a sinful nature but living with God is just so much more peaceful and there are different tools on how to deal with things the right way.”
Raymond Terrace Mission Adventist Church have embarked on a mission to improve the health of residents in Raymond Terrace. Late last year, RTM Church - which is located in the centre of town - opened a juice bar dedicated to promoting a wholistic way of living. “Newstart Juice” provides fantastic combinations of fruit and vegetable […]
Caring for the little ones For the past two years, more than 200 families from Tweed Heads, NSW, have been clothing their children without having to compromise their already tight budget. “Kids grow very fast. You buy one thing today and in a month’s time they have grown out of it. For many families that […]
If you could pick an age to return to in life, what age would you pick? I sit here realising that my 60th birthday is not that far away. While I appreciate the experiences, knowledge and wisdom that comes with age, my back hurts when I get out of bed in the morning and my […]
Melinda Archer's Story Melinda Archer is a certifies Community Health Educator who is passionate about empowering people to live longer and stronger through diet and lifestyle choices. She has been a ‘Plant-based Ambassador’ for 10+ years, spreading the word on healthy- eating through Plant-based Cooking Classes, Grocery Store Tours, Kitchen Workshops and Vegan Cafe Nights. […]